
Simple recipe tells you how to cook Thai flavor chicken

Ingredients list:

2 large chicken drumsticks, a half of small cabbage

Half cucumber

Thai chili and sesame sauce

4 Millet Spicy Chili, 3 strains Coriander

4 scallions, 1 lemon

Light soy sauce for 15ml , balsamic vinegar for 30ml

Pepper oil for 15ml,  sugar for 20g

Ripe white sesame seeds for right amount, cooked peanuts for right amount

Salt , black pepper for proper amount

3, 4 pieces garlic

Practice steps

①Cut the cabbage and cucumber into shreds, put them in cool boiled or purified water, cover with plastic wrap, put them in the refrigerator or add ice cubes for later use.

②Wash the two boneless chicken legs dry, sprinkle with salt and black pepper, and marinate for 10 minutes.

③Adjust the sauce: In a slightly larger bowl, add mashed garlic, coriander, chopped green onion, spicy millet, sugar, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, pepper oil, squeeze in lemon juice, stir well, and set aside.

④ Heat up the pot, put the chicken skin side down, fry the chicken oil on a low heat, cover the lid (do not cover it all) and fry for about 10 minutes, turn it over, continue to fry until the meat is cooked.

⑤ Spread the cabbage and cucumber shreds on the plate, cut the chicken legs into strips, spread on the leaves, drizzle the sauce, and finally sprinkle with sesame seeds, chopped peanuts, and black pepper.


You can prepare ice water in advance, add the chicken and soak for 10 minutes, so that the chicken will be firmer and taste better.

Pepper oil can be replaced with sesame oil or green pepper oil.