
The Bissell 3.0 wireless vacuum cleaner makes my home so clean!

This is my Bissell 3.0 wireless vacuum cleaner.Yes, it is both a vacuum cleaner and a mopping machine! To be honest, the two-in-one cleaning tool is so amazing, cleaning garbage and mopping the floor at the same time, saving a lot of tedious steps to replace the cleaning tools.


No matter the floor or the carpet, with this wireless vacuum cleaner, they will all be clean!

Although the rollers for cleaning wet garbage are extremely dirty, you can clean them by pressing a button to clean themselves, and the cleaned rollers are just like new ones. Finally, just take out the sewage bucket and drain it, and then rinse it off.


Cleaning the whole house is indeed more worry-free and labor-saving. On the one hand, vacuuming and mopping the floor can be performed at the same time, which saves half of the time than before. Furthermore, the washing machine only needs one hand to gently push it forward. There is no need to mop the floor as hard as before, and it will not cause back pain after cleaning.






