It only takes ten minutes, and Spaghetti is done in a pan!


Ingredients: 1 handful of spaghetti (about 16oz), 1 onion, 3 teaspoons of garlic, 3 bowls of tomatoes, 1 bowl of basil coriander, 4.5 cups of cold water, a little salt, pepper, olive oil, cheese powder

1. Prepare pasta, thinly slice onion, minced garlic, cut tomato, Basil coriander, put all into the pot. (The materials increase or decrease according to personal preference)

2. Add 4.5 cups of cold water, salt, pepper, and olive oil.

3. Bring to high heat and cook. When it starts to boil, turn to medium heat and stir slowly until the juice is almost dry and the softness of the noodles is according to personal preference. Just serve it out.

4. Sprinkle cheese powder at the end and enjoy it~

