As a home blogger, my usual hobby is to set up soft decorations. Different collocations with different light and shadows often produce completely different feelings. Sometimes you can’t often change the large furniture at home, such as beds and wardrobes, so you might as well try to change it from soft decorations.
Here are a few setting lists.
Stroller: Bencross
Lamp: Bee Home
Candlestick: Zara Home
Four-piece suit: Dreamorigins
Bedside table: IKEA
Lamp: IKEA
Aromatherapy: Paddy Wax
Four-piece suit: Sangluo
Bedside table: Ziinlife
Painting: IKEA
Vase: FlowerPlus
Pallet: Grocery Store No. 48
Cup: Anna at 16 o’clock
Carpet: Wovon
Decorative painting: IKEA
Four-piece suit: Venus Home Textiles
Cup: JZ Home
Vase: JZ Home
Storage box: Bencross
Pot: Seletti
Aromatherapy: Cosmic Speculation