
5 cleaning products I commonly use, all of them can make your housework a pleasure!

I like to do housework, and I have bought a lot of cleaning agents. I have to say that easy-to-use cleaning tools can really make housework a pleasure. I’d like to share with you the common cleaning products that are easy to use and basically cover the kitchen, bathroom, living room, and even the bedroom.

1. AXE dishwashing detergent

This is the best dishwashing detergent. Squeeze a little to wash most of the bowls. The hands will not dry out after washing, and it is the only detergent I found that can be put in the dishwasher.

2. Kao degreaser

Spray on the surface that needs to be cleaned, and then wait for 30 seconds to 10 minutes, wait until the oily place turns into black liquid, and then wipe it with a rag and it will be clean.

3. Kao bleach

Spray 10cm away from the moldy and yellowish place, wait for about 5 minutes, rinse with water and dry. Because the bleach has a strong smell, remember to wear gloves.

4. O-Clean 

First soak in 40 degrees hot water, then put the clothes in to soak for half an hour, and then routinely wash. Remember not to wash by hand as a washing powder.

5. Gumption

It can remove scale, rust, and stains on the wall. In short, it is very versatile and can wipe anything. Dip a small amount of water with a sponge, wipe an appropriate amount of cleansing cream with the sponge, and wipe the surface back and forth, and it will be clean soon.

